Blog - 9

2022 Scala GSoC Applications Open!

Valérie Pedroni, Scala Center

Finding awesome Scala libraries

Adrien Piquerez, Scala Center

In support of Ukraine

the Scala Center

Scala 3.1.1 and forward compatibility news

Paweł Marks, VirtusLab

Learn Scala with Online Courses

Julien Richard-Foy, Vincent Derouand, and Valérie Pedroni (Scala Center)

Scala 2.13.8 is now available!

Scala Chat: Hello Discord (So Long, Gitter)

Seth Tisue

The state of the log4j CVE in the Scala ecosystem

Sébastien Doeraene, Adrien Piquerez

Sustainable Scala

Julien Richard-Foy, Wojciech Mazur

Scala 2.13.7 is now available!
