Scala 3.3.1 LTS is now available!
This version adds support for records in Java dependencies of Scala projects. It also brings improvements to the bytecode generation and a new linting rule: -Wnonunit-statement
Apart from that, there is also a ton of bug fixes, frequently for more obscure bugs that were with us for many versions of the language.
Thank you to all the contributors who made the release of 3.3.1 possible
According to git shortlog -sn --no-merges 3.3.0..3.3.1
, they are:
152 Nicolas Stucki
73 Martin Odersky
54 Dale Wijnand
51 Szymon Rodziewicz
49 Quentin Bernet
38 Chris Kipp
31 Paweł Marks
19 David Hua
18 Lucas
18 ysthakur
15 Fengyun Liu
14 Guillaume Martres
14 Jamie Thompson
11 Sébastien Doeraene
9 Timothée Andres
8 Kacper Korban
7 Matt Bovel
7 Som Snytt
6 Julien Richard-Foy
6 Lucas Leblanc
5 Michał Pałka
4 Anatolii Kmetiuk
4 Guillaume Raffin
4 Jan Chyb
4 Paul Coral
4 Wojciech Mazur
4 Yichen Xu
3 Decel
2 Adrien Piquerez
2 Arman Bilge
2 Carl
2 Florian3k
2 Kenji Yoshida
2 Michael Pilquist
2 Natsu Kagami
2 Seth Tisue
2 Tomasz Godzik
2 Vasil Vasilev
2 Yadu Krishnan
1 Bersier
1 Flavio Brasil
1 Jan-Pieter van den Heuvel
1 Lukas Rytz
1 Miles Yucht
1 Mohammad Yousuf Minhaj Zia
1 Ondra Pelech
1 Philippus
1 Rikito Taniguchi
1 Simon R
1 brandonspark
1 github-actions[bot]
1 liang3zy22
1 s.bazarsadaev
1 Łukasz Wroński