
package mutable

Linear Supertypes
Content Hierarchy
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  2. By Inheritance
  1. mutable
  2. AnyRef
  3. Any
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Type Members

  1. abstract class AbstractBuffer[A] extends AbstractSeq[A] with Buffer[A]

    Explicit instantiation of the Buffer trait to reduce class file size in subclasses.

  2. abstract class AbstractIterable[A] extends collection.AbstractIterable[A] with Iterable[A]

    Explicit instantiation of the Iterable trait to reduce class file size in subclasses.

  3. abstract class AbstractMap[K, V] extends collection.AbstractMap[K, V] with Map[K, V]

    Explicit instantiation of the Map trait to reduce class file size in subclasses.

  4. abstract class AbstractSeq[A] extends collection.AbstractSeq[A] with Seq[A]

    Explicit instantiation of the Seq trait to reduce class file size in subclasses.

  5. abstract class AbstractSet[A] extends collection.AbstractSet[A] with Set[A]

    Explicit instantiation of the Set trait to reduce class file size in subclasses.

  6. class ArrayBuffer[A] extends AbstractBuffer[A] with IndexedBuffer[A] with IndexedSeqOps[A, ArrayBuffer, ArrayBuffer[A]] with StrictOptimizedSeqOps[A, ArrayBuffer, ArrayBuffer[A]] with IterableFactoryDefaults[A, ArrayBuffer] with DefaultSerializable

    An implementation of the Buffer class using an array to represent the assembled sequence internally.

    An implementation of the Buffer class using an array to represent the assembled sequence internally. Append, update and random access take constant time (amortized time). Prepends and removes are linear in the buffer size.


    the type of this arraybuffer's elements.

    See also

    "Scala's Collection Library overview" section on Array Buffers for more information.

  7. final class ArrayBufferView[A] extends AbstractIndexedSeqView[A]
  8. sealed abstract class ArrayBuilder[T] extends ReusableBuilder[T, Array[T]] with Serializable

    A builder class for arrays.

    A builder class for arrays.


    the type of the elements for the builder.

  9. class ArrayDeque[A] extends AbstractBuffer[A] with IndexedBuffer[A] with IndexedSeqOps[A, ArrayDeque, ArrayDeque[A]] with StrictOptimizedSeqOps[A, ArrayDeque, ArrayDeque[A]] with IterableFactoryDefaults[A, ArrayDeque] with ArrayDequeOps[A, ArrayDeque, ArrayDeque[A]] with Cloneable[ArrayDeque[A]] with DefaultSerializable

    An implementation of a double-ended queue that internally uses a resizable circular buffer.

    An implementation of a double-ended queue that internally uses a resizable circular buffer.

    Append, prepend, removeHead, removeLast and random-access (indexed-lookup and indexed-replacement) take amortized constant time. In general, removals and insertions at i-th index are O(min(i, n-i)) and thus insertions and removals from end/beginning are fast.


    the type of this ArrayDeque's elements.


    Subclasses must override the ofArray protected method to return a more specific type.

  10. trait ArrayDequeOps[A, +CC[_], +C <: AnyRef] extends StrictOptimizedSeqOps[A, CC, C]
  11. sealed abstract class ArraySeq[T] extends AbstractSeq[T] with IndexedSeq[T] with IndexedSeqOps[T, ArraySeq, ArraySeq[T]] with StrictOptimizedSeqOps[T, ArraySeq, ArraySeq[T]] with Serializable

    A collection representing Array[T].

    A collection representing Array[T]. Unlike ArrayBuffer it is always backed by the same underlying Array, therefore it is not growable or shrinkable.


    type of the elements in this wrapped array.

  12. class BitSet extends AbstractSet[Int] with SortedSet[Int] with SortedSetOps[Int, SortedSet, BitSet] with StrictOptimizedIterableOps[Int, Set, BitSet] with StrictOptimizedSortedSetOps[Int, SortedSet, BitSet] with collection.BitSet with BitSetOps[BitSet] with Serializable

    A class for mutable bitsets.

    A class for mutable bitsets.

    Bitsets are sets of non-negative integers which are represented as variable-size arrays of bits packed into 64-bit words. The lower bound of memory footprint of a bitset is determined by the largest number stored in it.

    See also

    "Scala's Collection Library overview" section on Mutable Bitsets for more information.

  13. trait Buffer[A] extends Seq[A] with SeqOps[A, Buffer, Buffer[A]] with Growable[A] with Shrinkable[A] with IterableFactoryDefaults[A, Buffer]

    A Buffer is a growable and shrinkable Seq.

  14. trait Builder[-A, +To] extends Growable[A]

    Base trait for collection builders.

    Base trait for collection builders.

    After calling result() the behavior of a Builder (which is not also a scala.collection.mutable.ReusableBuilder) is undefined. No further methods should be called. It is common for mutable collections to be their own non-reusable Builder, in which case result() simply returns this.

    See also

    scala.collection.mutable.ReusableBuilder for Builders which can be reused after calling result()

  15. trait Clearable extends AnyRef

    This trait forms part of collections that can be cleared with a clear() call.

  16. trait Cloneable[+C <: AnyRef] extends scala.Cloneable

    A trait for cloneable collections.

    A trait for cloneable collections.


    Type of the collection, covariant and with reference types as upperbound.

  17. final class CollisionProofHashMap[K, V] extends AbstractMap[K, V] with MapOps[K, V, Map, CollisionProofHashMap[K, V]] with StrictOptimizedIterableOps[(K, V), Iterable, CollisionProofHashMap[K, V]] with StrictOptimizedMapOps[K, V, Map, CollisionProofHashMap[K, V]]

    This class implements mutable maps using a hashtable with red-black trees in the buckets for good worst-case performance on hash collisions.

    This class implements mutable maps using a hashtable with red-black trees in the buckets for good worst-case performance on hash collisions. An Ordering is required for the element type. Equality as determined by the Ordering has to be consistent with equals and hashCode. Universal equality of numeric types is not supported (similar to AnyRefMap).

    See also

    "Scala's Collection Library overview" section on Hash Tables for more information.

  18. trait Growable[-A] extends Clearable

    This trait forms part of collections that can be augmented using a += operator and that can be cleared of all elements using a clear method.

  19. class GrowableBuilder[Elem, To <: Growable[Elem]] extends Builder[Elem, To]

    The canonical builder for collections that are growable, i.e.

    The canonical builder for collections that are growable, i.e. that support an efficient += method which adds an element to the collection.

    GrowableBuilders can produce only a single instance of the collection they are growing.

  20. class HashMap[K, V] extends AbstractMap[K, V] with MapOps[K, V, HashMap, HashMap[K, V]] with StrictOptimizedIterableOps[(K, V), Iterable, HashMap[K, V]] with StrictOptimizedMapOps[K, V, HashMap, HashMap[K, V]] with MapFactoryDefaults[K, V, HashMap, Iterable] with Serializable

    This class implements mutable maps using a hashtable.

    This class implements mutable maps using a hashtable.


    the type of the keys contained in this hash map.


    the type of the values assigned to keys in this hash map.

    See also

    "Scala's Collection Library overview" section on Hash Tables for more information.

  21. final class HashSet[A] extends AbstractSet[A] with SetOps[A, HashSet, HashSet[A]] with StrictOptimizedIterableOps[A, HashSet, HashSet[A]] with IterableFactoryDefaults[A, HashSet] with Serializable

    This class implements mutable sets using a hashtable.

    This class implements mutable sets using a hashtable.

    See also

    "Scala's Collection Library overview" section on Hash Tables for more information.

  22. abstract class ImmutableBuilder[-A, C <: IterableOnce[_]] extends ReusableBuilder[A, C]

    Reusable builder for immutable collections

  23. trait IndexedBuffer[A] extends IndexedSeq[A] with IndexedSeqOps[A, IndexedBuffer, IndexedBuffer[A]] with Buffer[A] with IterableFactoryDefaults[A, IndexedBuffer]
  24. trait IndexedSeq[T] extends Seq[T] with collection.IndexedSeq[T] with IndexedSeqOps[T, IndexedSeq, IndexedSeq[T]] with IterableFactoryDefaults[T, IndexedSeq]
  25. trait IndexedSeqOps[A, +CC[_], +C <: AnyRef] extends collection.IndexedSeqOps[A, CC, C] with SeqOps[A, CC, C]
  26. trait Iterable[A] extends collection.Iterable[A] with IterableOps[A, Iterable, Iterable[A]] with IterableFactoryDefaults[A, Iterable]
  27. class LinkedHashMap[K, V] extends AbstractMap[K, V] with SeqMap[K, V] with MapOps[K, V, LinkedHashMap, LinkedHashMap[K, V]] with StrictOptimizedIterableOps[(K, V), Iterable, LinkedHashMap[K, V]] with StrictOptimizedMapOps[K, V, LinkedHashMap, LinkedHashMap[K, V]] with MapFactoryDefaults[K, V, LinkedHashMap, Iterable] with DefaultSerializable

    This class implements mutable maps using a hashtable.

    This class implements mutable maps using a hashtable. The iterator and all traversal methods of this class visit elements in the order they were inserted.


    the type of the keys contained in this hash map.


    the type of the values assigned to keys in this hash map.

  28. class LinkedHashSet[A] extends AbstractSet[A] with SetOps[A, LinkedHashSet, LinkedHashSet[A]] with StrictOptimizedIterableOps[A, LinkedHashSet, LinkedHashSet[A]] with IterableFactoryDefaults[A, LinkedHashSet] with DefaultSerializable

    This class implements mutable sets using a hashtable.

    This class implements mutable sets using a hashtable. The iterator and all traversal methods of this class visit elements in the order they were inserted.


    the type of the elements contained in this set.

  29. class ListBuffer[A] extends AbstractBuffer[A] with SeqOps[A, ListBuffer, ListBuffer[A]] with StrictOptimizedSeqOps[A, ListBuffer, ListBuffer[A]] with ReusableBuilder[A, immutable.List[A]] with IterableFactoryDefaults[A, ListBuffer] with DefaultSerializable

    A Buffer implementation backed by a list.

    A Buffer implementation backed by a list. It provides constant time prepend and append. Most other operations are linear.


    the type of this list buffer's elements.

    See also

    "Scala's Collection Library overview" section on List Buffers for more information.

  30. final class LongMap[V] extends AbstractMap[Long, V] with MapOps[Long, V, Map, LongMap[V]] with StrictOptimizedIterableOps[(Long, V), Iterable, LongMap[V]] with Serializable

    This class implements mutable maps with Long keys based on a hash table with open addressing.

    This class implements mutable maps with Long keys based on a hash table with open addressing.

    Basic map operations on single entries, including contains and get, are typically substantially faster with LongMap than HashMap. Methods that act on the whole map, including foreach and map are not in general expected to be faster than with a generic map, save for those that take particular advantage of the internal structure of the map: foreachKey, foreachValue, mapValuesNow, and transformValues.

    Maps with open addressing may become less efficient at lookup after repeated addition/removal of elements. Although LongMap makes a decent attempt to remain efficient regardless, calling repack on a map that will no longer have elements removed but will be used heavily may save both time and storage space.

    This map is not intended to contain more than 229 entries (approximately 500 million). The maximum capacity is 230, but performance will degrade rapidly as 2^30 is approached.

  31. trait Map[K, V] extends Iterable[(K, V)] with collection.Map[K, V] with MapOps[K, V, Map, Map[K, V]] with Growable[(K, V)] with Shrinkable[K] with MapFactoryDefaults[K, V, Map, Iterable]

    Base type of mutable Maps

  32. trait MapOps[K, V, +CC[X, Y] <: MapOps[X, Y, CC, _], +C <: MapOps[K, V, CC, C]] extends IterableOps[(K, V), Iterable, C] with collection.MapOps[K, V, CC, C] with Cloneable[C] with Builder[(K, V), C] with Growable[(K, V)] with Shrinkable[K]

  33. sealed class PriorityQueue[A] extends AbstractIterable[A] with Iterable[A] with IterableOps[A, Iterable, PriorityQueue[A]] with StrictOptimizedIterableOps[A, Iterable, PriorityQueue[A]] with Builder[A, PriorityQueue[A]] with Cloneable[PriorityQueue[A]] with Growable[A] with Serializable

    A heap-based priority queue.

    A heap-based priority queue.

    To prioritize elements of type A there must be an implicit Ordering[A] available at creation. Elements are retrieved in priority order by using dequeue or dequeueAll.

    If multiple elements have the same priority as determined by the ordering for this PriorityQueue, no guarantees are made regarding the order in which those elements are returned by dequeue or dequeueAll. In particular, that means this class does not guarantee first-in-first-out behavior, as may be incorrectly inferred from the fact that this data structure is called a "queue".

    Only the dequeue and dequeueAll methods will return elements in priority order (while removing elements from the heap). Standard collection methods such as drop, iterator, toList and toString use an arbitrary iteration order: they will traverse the heap or remove elements in whichever order seems most convenient.

    Therefore, printing a PriorityQueue will not show elements in priority order, though the highest-priority element will be printed first. To print the elements in order, it's necessary to dequeue them. To do this non-destructively, duplicate the PriorityQueue first; the clone method is a suitable way to obtain a disposable copy.

    Client keys are assumed to be immutable. Mutating keys may violate the invariant of the underlying heap-ordered tree. Note that clone does not rebuild the underlying tree.

    scala> val pq = collection.mutable.PriorityQueue(1, 2, 5, 3, 7)
    val pq: scala.collection.mutable.PriorityQueue[Int] = PriorityQueue(7, 3, 5, 1, 2)
    scala> pq.toList              // also not in order
    val res0: List[Int] = List(7, 3, 5, 1, 2)
    scala> pq.clone.dequeueAll
    val res1: Seq[Int] = ArraySeq(7, 5, 3, 2, 1)

    type of the elements in this priority queue.

  34. class Queue[A] extends ArrayDeque[A] with IndexedSeqOps[A, Queue, Queue[A]] with StrictOptimizedSeqOps[A, Queue, Queue[A]] with IterableFactoryDefaults[A, Queue] with ArrayDequeOps[A, Queue, Queue[A]] with Cloneable[Queue[A]] with DefaultSerializable

    Queue objects implement data structures that allow to insert and retrieve elements in a first-in-first-out (FIFO) manner.

  35. trait ReusableBuilder[-Elem, +To] extends Builder[Elem, To]

    ReusableBuilder is a marker trait that indicates that a Builder can be reused to build more than one instance of a collection.

    ReusableBuilder is a marker trait that indicates that a Builder can be reused to build more than one instance of a collection. In particular, calling result() followed by clear() will produce a collection and reset the builder to begin building a new collection of the same type.

    In general no method other than clear() may be called after result(). It is up to subclasses to implement and to document other allowed sequences of operations (e.g. calling other methods after result() in order to obtain different snapshots of a collection under construction).


    the type of elements that get added to the builder.


    the type of collection that it produced.

  36. trait Seq[A] extends Iterable[A] with collection.Seq[A] with SeqOps[A, Seq, Seq[A]] with IterableFactoryDefaults[A, Seq]
  37. trait SeqMap[K, V] extends Map[K, V] with collection.SeqMap[K, V] with MapOps[K, V, SeqMap, SeqMap[K, V]] with MapFactoryDefaults[K, V, SeqMap, Iterable]

    A generic trait for ordered mutable maps.

    A generic trait for ordered mutable maps. Concrete classes have to provide functionality for the abstract methods in SeqMap.

    Note that when checking for equality SeqMap does not take into account ordering.


    the type of the keys contained in this linked map.


    the type of the values associated with the keys in this linked map.

  38. trait SeqOps[A, +CC[_], +C <: AnyRef] extends collection.SeqOps[A, CC, C] with Cloneable[C]

  39. trait Set[A] extends Iterable[A] with collection.Set[A] with SetOps[A, Set, Set[A]] with IterableFactoryDefaults[A, Set]

    Base trait for mutable sets

  40. trait SetOps[A, +CC[X], +C <: SetOps[A, CC, C]] extends collection.SetOps[A, CC, C] with IterableOps[A, CC, C] with Cloneable[C] with Builder[A, C] with Growable[A] with Shrinkable[A]

  41. trait Shrinkable[-A] extends AnyRef

    This trait forms part of collections that can be reduced using a -= operator.

  42. trait SortedMap[K, V] extends collection.SortedMap[K, V] with Map[K, V] with SortedMapOps[K, V, SortedMap, SortedMap[K, V]] with SortedMapFactoryDefaults[K, V, SortedMap, Iterable, Map]

    Base type for mutable sorted map collections

  43. trait SortedMapOps[K, V, +CC[X, Y] <: Map[X, Y] with SortedMapOps[X, Y, CC, _], +C <: SortedMapOps[K, V, CC, C]] extends collection.SortedMapOps[K, V, CC, C] with MapOps[K, V, Map, C]
  44. trait SortedSet[A] extends Set[A] with collection.SortedSet[A] with SortedSetOps[A, SortedSet, SortedSet[A]] with SortedSetFactoryDefaults[A, SortedSet, Set]

    Base type for mutable sorted set collections

  45. trait SortedSetOps[A, +CC[X] <: SortedSet[X], +C <: SortedSetOps[A, CC, C]] extends SetOps[A, Set, C] with collection.SortedSetOps[A, CC, C]

  46. class Stack[A] extends ArrayDeque[A] with IndexedSeqOps[A, Stack, Stack[A]] with StrictOptimizedSeqOps[A, Stack, Stack[A]] with IterableFactoryDefaults[A, Stack] with ArrayDequeOps[A, Stack, Stack[A]] with Cloneable[Stack[A]] with DefaultSerializable

    A stack implements a data structure which allows to store and retrieve objects in a last-in-first-out (LIFO) fashion.

    A stack implements a data structure which allows to store and retrieve objects in a last-in-first-out (LIFO) fashion.

    Note that operations which consume and produce iterables preserve order, rather than reversing it (as would be expected from building a new stack by pushing an element at a time).


    type of the elements contained in this stack.


    (Changed in version 2.13.0) Stack is now based on an ArrayDeque instead of a linked list

  47. final class StringBuilder extends AbstractSeq[Char] with ReusableBuilder[Char, String] with IndexedSeq[Char] with IndexedSeqOps[Char, IndexedSeq, StringBuilder] with IterableFactoryDefaults[Char, IndexedSeq] with CharSequence with Serializable

    A builder of String which is also a mutable sequence of characters.

    A builder of String which is also a mutable sequence of characters.

    This class provides an API mostly compatible with java.lang.StringBuilder, except where there are conflicts with the Scala collections API, such as the reverse method: reverse produces a new StringBuilder, and reverseInPlace mutates this builder.

    Mutating operations return either this.type, i.e., the current builder, or Unit.

    Other methods extract data or information from the builder without mutating it.

    The distinction is also reflected in naming conventions used by collections, such as append, which mutates, and appended, which does not, or reverse, which does not mutate, and reverseInPlace, which does.

    The String result may be obtained using either result() or toString.

    This Builder can be reused after calling result() without an intermediate call to clear() in order to build multiple related results.

    See also

    "Scala's Collection Library overview" section on StringBuilders for more information.

  48. sealed class TreeMap[K, V] extends AbstractMap[K, V] with SortedMap[K, V] with SortedMapOps[K, V, TreeMap, TreeMap[K, V]] with StrictOptimizedIterableOps[(K, V), Iterable, TreeMap[K, V]] with StrictOptimizedMapOps[K, V, Map, TreeMap[K, V]] with StrictOptimizedSortedMapOps[K, V, TreeMap, TreeMap[K, V]] with SortedMapFactoryDefaults[K, V, TreeMap, Iterable, Map] with DefaultSerializable

    A mutable sorted map implemented using a mutable red-black tree as underlying data structure.

    A mutable sorted map implemented using a mutable red-black tree as underlying data structure.


    the type of the keys contained in this tree map.


    the type of the values associated with the keys.

  49. sealed class TreeSet[A] extends AbstractSet[A] with SortedSet[A] with SortedSetOps[A, TreeSet, TreeSet[A]] with StrictOptimizedIterableOps[A, Set, TreeSet[A]] with StrictOptimizedSortedSetOps[A, TreeSet, TreeSet[A]] with SortedSetFactoryDefaults[A, TreeSet, Set] with DefaultSerializable

    A mutable sorted set implemented using a mutable red-black tree as underlying data structure.

    A mutable sorted set implemented using a mutable red-black tree as underlying data structure.


    the type of the keys contained in this tree set.

  50. sealed class UnrolledBuffer[T] extends AbstractBuffer[T] with Buffer[T] with Seq[T] with SeqOps[T, UnrolledBuffer, UnrolledBuffer[T]] with StrictOptimizedSeqOps[T, UnrolledBuffer, UnrolledBuffer[T]] with EvidenceIterableFactoryDefaults[T, UnrolledBuffer, ClassTag] with Builder[T, UnrolledBuffer[T]] with DefaultSerializable

    A buffer that stores elements in an unrolled linked list.

    A buffer that stores elements in an unrolled linked list.

    Unrolled linked lists store elements in linked fixed size arrays.

    Unrolled buffers retain locality and low memory overhead properties of array buffers, but offer much more efficient element addition, since they never reallocate and copy the internal array.

    However, they provide O(n/m) complexity random access, where n is the number of elements, and m the size of internal array chunks.

    Ideal to use when:

    • elements are added to the buffer and then all of the elements are traversed sequentially
    • two unrolled buffers need to be concatenated (see concat)

    Better than singly linked lists for random access, but should still be avoided for such a purpose.

  51. class WeakHashMap[K, V] extends JMapWrapper[K, V] with JMapWrapperLike[K, V, WeakHashMap, WeakHashMap[K, V]] with MapFactoryDefaults[K, V, WeakHashMap, Iterable]

    A hash map with references to entries which are weakly reachable.

    A hash map with references to entries which are weakly reachable. Entries are removed from this map when the key is no longer (strongly) referenced. This class wraps java.util.WeakHashMap.


    type of keys contained in this map


    type of values associated with the keys

    See also

    "Scala's Collection Library overview" section on Weak Hash Maps for more information.

Deprecated Type Members

  1. class AnyRefMap[K <: AnyRef, V] extends AbstractMap[K, V] with MapOps[K, V, Map, AnyRefMap[K, V]] with StrictOptimizedIterableOps[(K, V), Iterable, AnyRefMap[K, V]] with Serializable

    This class implements mutable maps with AnyRef keys based on a hash table with open addressing.

    This class implements mutable maps with AnyRef keys based on a hash table with open addressing.

    Basic map operations on single entries, including contains and get, are typically significantly faster with AnyRefMap than HashMap. Note that numbers and characters are not handled specially in AnyRefMap; only plain equals and hashCode are used in comparisons.

    Methods that traverse or regenerate the map, including foreach and map, are not in general faster than with HashMap. The methods foreachKey, foreachValue, mapValuesNow, and transformValues are, however, faster than alternative ways to achieve the same functionality.

    Maps with open addressing may become less efficient at lookup after repeated addition/removal of elements. Although AnyRefMap makes a decent attempt to remain efficient regardless, calling repack on a map that will no longer have elements removed but will be used heavily may save both time and storage space.

    This map is not intended to contain more than 229 entries (approximately 500 million). The maximum capacity is 230, but performance will degrade rapidly as 230 is approached.


    (Since version 2.13.16) Use scala.collection.mutable.HashMap instead for better performance.

  2. type ArrayStack[X] = Stack[X]

    (Since version 2.13.0) Use Stack instead of ArrayStack; it now uses an array-based implementation

  3. type GrowingBuilder[Elem, To <: Growable[Elem]] = GrowableBuilder[Elem, To]

    (Since version 2.13.0) GrowingBuilder has been renamed to GrowableBuilder

  4. type IndexedOptimizedBuffer[A] = IndexedBuffer[A]

    (Since version 2.13.0) IndexedOptimizedBuffer has been renamed to IndexedBuffer

  5. type IndexedOptimizedSeq[A] = IndexedSeq[A]

    (Since version 2.13.0) IndexedOptimizedSeq has been renamed to IndexedSeq

  6. type LinearSeq[X] = Seq[X] with collection.LinearSeq[X]

    (Since version 2.13.0) mutable.LinearSeq has been removed; use LinearSeq with mutable.Seq instead

  7. class ListMap[K, V] extends AbstractMap[K, V] with MapOps[K, V, ListMap, ListMap[K, V]] with StrictOptimizedIterableOps[(K, V), Iterable, ListMap[K, V]] with StrictOptimizedMapOps[K, V, ListMap, ListMap[K, V]] with MapFactoryDefaults[K, V, ListMap, Iterable] with DefaultSerializable

    A simple mutable map backed by a list, so it preserves insertion order.

    A simple mutable map backed by a list, so it preserves insertion order.


    the type of the keys contained in this list map.


    the type of the values assigned to keys in this list map.


    (Since version 2.13.0) Use an immutable.ListMap assigned to a var instead of mutable.ListMap

  8. trait MultiMap[K, V] extends Map[K, Set[V]]

    A trait for mutable maps with multiple values assigned to a key.

    A trait for mutable maps with multiple values assigned to a key.

    This class is typically used as a mixin. It turns maps which map K to Set[V] objects into multimaps that map K to V objects.


    (Since version 2.13.0) Use a scala.collection.mutable.MultiDict in the scala-collection-contrib module

    1. // first import all necessary types from package `collection.mutable`
      import collection.mutable.{ HashMap, MultiMap, Set }
      // to create a `MultiMap` the easiest way is to mixin it into a normal
      // `Map` instance
      val mm = new HashMap[Int, Set[String]] with MultiMap[Int, String]
      // to add key-value pairs to a multimap it is important to use
      // the method `addBinding` because standard methods like `+` will
      // overwrite the complete key-value pair instead of adding the
      // value to the existing key
      mm.addBinding(1, "a")
      mm.addBinding(2, "b")
      mm.addBinding(1, "c")
      // mm now contains `Map(2 -> Set(b), 1 -> Set(c, a))`
      // to check if the multimap contains a value there is method
      // `entryExists`, which allows to traverse the including set
      mm.entryExists(1, _ == "a") == true
      mm.entryExists(1, _ == "b") == false
      mm.entryExists(2, _ == "b") == true
      // to remove a previous added value there is the method `removeBinding`
      mm.removeBinding(1, "a")
      mm.entryExists(1, _ == "a") == false
  9. class OpenHashMap[Key, Value] extends AbstractMap[Key, Value] with MapOps[Key, Value, OpenHashMap, OpenHashMap[Key, Value]] with StrictOptimizedIterableOps[(Key, Value), Iterable, OpenHashMap[Key, Value]] with MapFactoryDefaults[Key, Value, OpenHashMap, Iterable] with DefaultSerializable

    A mutable hash map based on an open addressing method.

    A mutable hash map based on an open addressing method. The precise scheme is undefined, but it should make a reasonable effort to ensure that an insert with consecutive hash codes is not unnecessarily penalised. In particular, mappings of consecutive integer keys should work without significant performance loss.


    type of the keys in this map.


    type of the values in this map.


    (Since version 2.13.0) Use HashMap or one of the specialized versions (LongMap, AnyRefMap) instead of OpenHashMap

  10. type Traversable[X] = Iterable[X]

    (Since version 2.13.0) Use Iterable instead of Traversable

  11. type WrappedArray[X] = ArraySeq[X]

    (Since version 2.13.0) Use ArraySeq instead of WrappedArray; it can represent both, boxed and unboxed arrays

Value Members

  1. object ArrayBuffer extends StrictOptimizedSeqFactory[ArrayBuffer]

    Factory object for the ArrayBuffer class.

    Factory object for the ArrayBuffer class.

    This object provides a set of operations to create mutable.ArrayBuffer values.

  2. object ArrayBuilder extends

    A companion object for array builders.

  3. object ArrayDeque extends StrictOptimizedSeqFactory[ArrayDeque]

    This object provides a set of operations to create ArrayDeque values.

    This object provides a set of operations to create ArrayDeque values.

  4. object ArraySeq extends StrictOptimizedClassTagSeqFactory[ArraySeq]

    A companion object used to create instances of ArraySeq.

    A companion object used to create instances of ArraySeq.

  5. object BitSet extends SpecificIterableFactory[Int, BitSet] with
  6. object Buffer extends Delegate[Buffer]
  7. object CollisionProofHashMap extends SortedMapFactory[CollisionProofHashMap]

    This object provides a set of operations to create mutable.CollisionProofHashMap values.

    This object provides a set of operations to create mutable.CollisionProofHashMap values.

  8. object Growable
  9. object HashMap extends MapFactory[HashMap]

    This object provides a set of operations to create mutable.HashMap values.

    This object provides a set of operations to create mutable.HashMap values.

  10. object HashSet extends IterableFactory[HashSet]

    This object provides a set of operations to create mutable.HashSet values.

    This object provides a set of operations to create mutable.HashSet values.

  11. object IndexedBuffer extends Delegate[IndexedBuffer]
  12. object IndexedSeq extends Delegate[IndexedSeq]
  13. object Iterable extends Delegate[Iterable]

    This object provides a set of operations to create mutable.Iterable values.

    This object provides a set of operations to create mutable.Iterable values.

  14. object LinkedHashMap extends MapFactory[LinkedHashMap]

    This object provides a set of operations to create LinkedHashMap values.

    This object provides a set of operations to create LinkedHashMap values.

  15. object LinkedHashSet extends IterableFactory[LinkedHashSet]

    This object provides a set of operations to create LinkedHashSet values.

    This object provides a set of operations to create LinkedHashSet values.

  16. object ListBuffer extends StrictOptimizedSeqFactory[ListBuffer]
  17. object LongMap extends
  18. object Map extends Delegate[Map]

    This object provides a set of operations to create mutable.Map values.

    This object provides a set of operations to create mutable.Map values.

  19. object PriorityQueue extends SortedIterableFactory[PriorityQueue]
  20. object Queue extends StrictOptimizedSeqFactory[Queue]

    This object provides a set of operations to create Queue values.

    This object provides a set of operations to create Queue values.

  21. object Seq extends Delegate[Seq]

    This object provides a set of operations to create mutable.Seq values.

    This object provides a set of operations to create mutable.Seq values.

  22. object SeqMap extends Delegate[SeqMap]
  23. object Set extends Delegate[Set]

    This object provides a set of operations to create mutable.Set values.

    This object provides a set of operations to create mutable.Set values.

  24. object SortedMap extends Delegate[SortedMap]
  25. object SortedSet extends Delegate[SortedSet]

    This object provides a set of operations to create mutable.Sortedset values.

    This object provides a set of operations to create mutable.Sortedset values.

  26. object Stack extends StrictOptimizedSeqFactory[Stack]

    This object provides a set of operations to create Stack values.

    This object provides a set of operations to create Stack values.

  27. object StringBuilder extends
  28. object TreeMap extends SortedMapFactory[TreeMap]

    This object provides a set of operations to create mutable.TreeMap values.

    This object provides a set of operations to create mutable.TreeMap values.

  29. object TreeSet extends SortedIterableFactory[TreeSet]

    This object provides a set of operations to create mutable.TreeSet values.

    This object provides a set of operations to create mutable.TreeSet values.

  30. object UnrolledBuffer extends StrictOptimizedClassTagSeqFactory[UnrolledBuffer]
  31. object WeakHashMap extends MapFactory[WeakHashMap]

    This object provides a set of operations to create WeakHashMap values.

    This object provides a set of operations to create WeakHashMap values.


Deprecated Value Members

  1. val ArrayStack: Stack.type

    (Since version 2.13.0) Use Stack instead of ArrayStack; it now uses an array-based implementation

  2. val Traversable: Iterable.type

    (Since version 2.13.0) Use Iterable instead of Traversable

  3. val WrappedArray: ArraySeq.type

    (Since version 2.13.0) Use ArraySeq instead of WrappedArray; it can represent both, boxed and unboxed arrays

  4. object AnyRefMap extends

    (Since version 2.13.16) Use scala.collection.mutable.HashMap instead for better performance.

  5. object ListMap extends MapFactory[ListMap]

    This object provides a set of operations to create mutable.ListMap values.

    This object provides a set of operations to create mutable.ListMap values.

    @SerialVersionUID() @deprecated

    (Since version 2.13.0) Use an immutable.ListMap assigned to a var instead of mutable.ListMap

  6. object OpenHashMap extends MapFactory[OpenHashMap]

    @deprecated @SerialVersionUID()

    (Since version 2.13.0) Use HashMap or one of the specialized versions (LongMap, AnyRefMap) instead of OpenHashMap

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
