
final class RBNode[K, V](var key: K, var hash: Int, var value: V, var red: Boolean, var left: RBNode[K, V], var right: RBNode[K, V], var parent: RBNode[K, V]) extends Node
class Node
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Value members

Concrete methods

def foreach[U](f: ((K, V)) => U): Unit
def foreachEntry[U](f: (K, V) => U): Unit
def foreachNode[U](f: RBNode[K, V] => U): Unit
def getNode(k: K, h: Int)(implicit ord: Ordering[K]): RBNode[K, V]
override def toString: String

Returns a string representation of the object.

Returns a string representation of the object.

The default representation is platform dependent.


a string representation of the object.

Definition Classes