package shell

Content Hierarchy
  1. Alphabetic
  1. Public
  2. Protected

Type Members

  1. class AbstractFileObject extends SimpleJavaFileObject
  2. class Accumulator extends AnyRef

    Accumulate multi-line input.

    Accumulate multi-line input. Shared by Reader and Completer, which must parse accumulated result.

  3. trait Completion extends AnyRef
  4. case class CompletionResult(line: String, cursor: Int, candidates: List[CompletionCandidate], typeAtCursor: String = "", typedTree: String = "") extends Product with Serializable
  5. trait History extends AnyRef

    Support for adding to history and retrieving it.

  6. class ILoop extends LoopCommands

    The Scala interactive shell.

    The Scala interactive shell. This part provides the user interface, with evaluation and auto-complete handled by IMain.

    There should be no direct dependency of this code on the compiler; it should all go through the intp reference to the interpreter, or maybe eventually even over the wire to a remote compiler.

  7. trait InteractiveReader extends AnyRef

    Reads lines from an input stream

  8. class JavaReporter extends DiagnosticListener[JavaFileObject] with Clearable
  9. class JavaToolFileManager extends ForwardingJavaFileManager[JavaFileManager]
  10. class JavacTool extends AnyRef
  11. abstract class Javap extends AnyRef
  12. class Javap8 extends Javap

    Loaded reflectively under JDK8 to locate tools.jar and load JavapTask tool.

  13. class Javap9 extends Javap

    Loaded reflectively under JDK9 to load JavapTask tool.

  14. class JavapClass extends AnyRef

    Javap command implementation.

  15. class JavapProvider extends Javap

    Loaded reflectively under JDK9 to locate ToolProvider.

  16. class JavapTask extends JavapTool
  17. abstract class JavapTool extends AnyRef

    The task or tool provider.

  18. trait Logger extends AnyRef
  19. trait LoopCommands extends AnyRef
  20. case class MultiCompletion(underlying: Completion*) extends Completion with Product with Serializable
  21. class Parsed extends AnyRef

    One instance of a command buffer.

  22. abstract class Pasted extends AnyRef

    If it looks like they're pasting in a scala interpreter transcript, remove all the formatting we inserted so we can make some sense of it.

    If it looks like they're pasting in a scala interpreter transcript, remove all the formatting we inserted so we can make some sense of it.

    Most of the interesting code in here is due to my goal of "paste idempotence" i.e. the transcript resulting from pasting a transcript should itself be pasteable and should achieve the same result.

  23. class ProcessResult extends AnyRef
  24. class ReplCompletion extends Completion

    Completion for the REPL.

  25. class ReplReporterImpl extends FilteringReporter with ReplReporter
  26. class Scripted extends AbstractScriptEngine with Compilable
  27. trait ShellConfig extends AnyRef
  28. class SimpleHistory extends History
  29. class SimpleReader extends InteractiveReader

    Reads using standard JDK API.

  30. class StringFileObject extends SimpleJavaFileObject
  31. trait Tabulator extends AnyRef
  32. trait VariColumnTabulator extends Tabulator

    Adjust the column width and number of columns to minimize the row count.

  33. class WriterOutputStream extends OutputStream

Value Members

  1. object AbstractFileObject
  2. object CompletionResult extends
  3. object ILoop
  4. object InteractiveReader
  5. object JavacTool
  6. object Javap
  7. object JavapClass
  8. object JavapTask
  9. object JavapTool
  10. object NoCompletion extends Completion
  11. object NoCompletions extends CompletionResult
  12. object NoHistory extends History
  13. object Parsed
  14. object ReplReporterImpl
  15. object Scripted
  16. object ShellConfig
  17. object SimpleReader
  18. object StringFileObject
