
package splain

Content Hierarchy
  1. Alphabetic
  1. Public
  2. Protected

Type Members

  1. case class Applied(cons: Formatted, args: List[Formatted]) extends Formatted with Product with Serializable
  2. case class BrokenType(lines: List[String]) extends TypeRepr with Product with Serializable
  3. case class ByName(tpe: Formatted) extends Formatted with Product with Serializable
  4. case class Decl(sym: Formatted, rhs: Formatted) extends Formatted with Product with Serializable
  5. case class DeclDiff(sym: Formatted, left: Formatted, right: Formatted) extends Formatted with Product with Serializable
  6. case class Diff(left: Formatted, right: Formatted) extends Formatted with Product with Serializable
  7. case class FlatType(flat: String) extends TypeRepr with Product with Serializable
  8. class FormatCache[K, V] extends AnyRef
  9. sealed trait Formatted extends AnyRef
  10. sealed trait FormattedName extends AnyRef
  11. case class FunctionForm(args: List[Formatted], ret: Formatted, top: Boolean) extends Formatted with Product with Serializable
  12. case class Infix(infix: Formatted, left: Formatted, right: Formatted, top: Boolean) extends Formatted with Product with Serializable
  13. case class InfixName(name: String) extends FormattedName with Product with Serializable
  14. case class Qualified(path: List[String], tpe: FormattedName) extends Formatted with Product with Serializable
  15. case class RefinedForm(elems: List[Formatted], decls: List[Formatted]) extends Formatted with Product with Serializable
  16. case class Simple(tpe: FormattedName) extends Formatted with Product with Serializable
  17. case class SimpleName(name: String) extends FormattedName with Product with Serializable
  18. trait SplainData extends AnyRef
  19. trait SplainDiagnostics extends SplainFormatting
  20. trait SplainErrors extends AnyRef
  21. trait SplainFormatters extends AnyRef
  22. trait SplainFormatting extends SplainFormatters
  23. case class TupleForm(elems: List[Formatted]) extends Formatted with Product with Serializable
  24. sealed trait TypeRepr extends AnyRef

Value Members

  1. object FormatCache
  2. object Formatted
  3. case object UnitForm extends Formatted with Product with Serializable
