
package profile

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Type Members

  1. abstract class ExtendedThreadMxBean extends ThreadMXBean
  2. class ExternalToolHook extends AnyRef

    This is an external tool hook, it allows an external tool such as YourKit or JProfiler to instrument a particular phase of the compiler.

    This is an external tool hook, it allows an external tool such as YourKit or JProfiler to instrument a particular phase of the compiler. Profilers have hooks to allow starting and stopping profiling on a given method invocation.

    To use add -Yprofile-external-tool (defaults to typer) or -Yprofile-external-tool:<phase> (for a specific compiler phase) to the compiler flags.

    'before' will be called at the start of the target phase and 'after' at the end, allowing custom profiling to be triggered.

  3. case class GcEventData(pool: String, reportTimeNs: Long, gcStartMillis: Long, gcEndMillis: Long, durationMillis: Long, name: String, action: String, cause: String, threads: Long) extends Product with Serializable
  4. case class ProfileRange(start: ProfileSnap, end: ProfileSnap, phase: Phase, purpose: String, taskCount: Int, thread: Thread) extends Product with Serializable
  5. sealed trait ProfileReporter extends AnyRef
  6. case class ProfileSnap(threadId: Long, threadName: String, snapTimeNanos: Long, idleTimeNanos: Long, cpuTimeNanos: Long, userTimeNanos: Long, allocatedBytes: Long, heapBytes: Long, totalClassesLoaded: Long, totalJITCompilationTime: Long) extends Product with Serializable
  7. sealed abstract class Profiler extends AnyRef
  8. trait ProfilerPlugin extends AnyRef

    Specifies a plugin to the profiler.

    Specifies a plugin to the profiler. This is generated via the ServiceLoader. See java.util.ServiceLoader javadoc for configuration information

    Note: this must generate a java interface only

  9. trait ProfilerPluginRun extends AnyRef

    Generated by ProfilerPlugin, the plugin information for a single run of the compiler

  10. class StreamProfileReporter extends ProfileReporter
  11. sealed trait ThreadPoolFactory extends AnyRef

Value Members

  1. object ConsoleProfileReporter extends ProfileReporter
  2. object EventType extends Enumeration
  3. object NoOpProfileReporter extends ProfileReporter
  4. object Profiler
  5. object ThreadPoolFactory
