


package reporters

  1. Alphabetic
  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. class ConsoleReporter extends FilteringReporter with PrintReporter

    This class implements a Reporter that displays messages on a text console.

  2. abstract class FilteringReporter extends Reporter

    The reporter used in a Global instance.

    The reporter used in a Global instance.

    It filters messages based on

    • settings.nowarn
    • settings.maxerrs / settings.maxwarns
    • positions (only one error at a position, no duplicate messages on a position)
  3. class ForwardingReporter extends FilteringReporter

    A FilteringReporter that delegates to another FilteringReporter.

    A FilteringReporter that delegates to another FilteringReporter. This class can be used to customize error reporting.

    val myReporter = new ForwardingReporter(global.reporter) {
      override def doReport(pos: Position, msg: String, severity: Severity): Unit = { ... }
    global.reporter = myReporter
  4. class MakeFilteringForwardingReporter extends FilteringReporter

    Used in Global.reporter_=.

    Used in Global.reporter_=. sbt assigns a plain Reporter, which is then adapted to respect maxerrs and do position filtering.

  5. class NoReporter extends FilteringReporter

    A reporter that ignores reports.

  6. trait PrintReporter extends reflect.internal.Reporter

    Facility for outputting messages, with optional user intervention.

  7. abstract class Reporter extends reflect.internal.Reporter

    This class exists for sbt compatibility.

    This class exists for sbt compatibility. Global.reporter holds a FilteringReporter. The only Reporter that is *not* a FilteringReporter is the one created by sbt. The Global.reporter_= setter wraps that in a delegating MakeFilteringForwardingReporter.

  8. class StoreReporter extends FilteringReporter

    This class implements a Reporter that stores its reports in the set infos.

Value Members

  1. object Reporter
  2. object StoreReporter
